Monday, July 09, 2007

Book pre-orders! Just $5 (plus shipping...!)

I am taking pre-orders for my first ever book! It's 7x7'', 24 full-color pages (28 if I have a few more late nights) and will ship beginning July 24th. Did I mention it's signed and numbered too? WOO HOO!

It features a year in art from my lil brain, and a couple surprises too. So drop an email to if you would like one for just $10!

...and now to go finish the contents of this book O__o;;

Friday, July 06, 2007

Pre-Comic Con confidence breakdown! Woo hoo!

Something fluffy to look at while I sweat bullets, lose sleep and make my masseuse very rich. My book is going to be PWNed by all the big dawgs in a couple of weeks, I really hope I can handle the big ol' slice of humble pie headed my way.
