I won't let out any spoilers but will pass on Emma's advice to bring tissues or to wear long sleeves. I think it's one of Pixar's most emotionally charged films yet and there were many moments and visuals that resonated with me. It was the little things; the slacking tension of a balloon string to show the urgency of a moment and falling morale... In other words, I used those tissues and I am not ashamed! In fact, I will be back for more!
I got a special "the planets have aligned!" bonus last night as well (never underestimate the powers of paying the bridge toll for the car sitting behind you once a week) when I was waiting in the theater lobby with my friends. Bill pointed a few feet over and said "Is that Pete Docter?" And yes, it was. And you can bet I toddled up to him giggling like an idiot, wearing my Pixar track jacket like a complete tool and asked him to sign my freshly-purchased copy of "The Art of Up".
So, thank you Mr. Docter for putting up with me (is there a pun in that somewhere?). You really made my night. And congrats to everyone who has worked on Up. I wanna buy you guys a round of Fenton's, but I call the red cars.

Also! Added something new to the Etsy Shop! I decided to give myself a pet project and made a vow to use ONLY materials that I already had lying about the house; I'm one of those people that, when inspired, runs out to the art or craft store and goes on shopping binge, only to realize I don't need more than 90% of the shiny things I bought. So I took an old chocolate box I had kicking around, covered it with some of the leftover handmade papers I used for my CTA Train Show piece, accented it with some ribbons and trim from an old college project and decoupaged a print of "Meeting Place" on it.
I like how it came out and depending on my supply of candy boxes, hope to be making more of these soon!