Speaking of which, I can post some of the artwork I did for the game! This batch of stickers is featured in the Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves Demo as well as on the disc itself. I approached some these differently than how I normally do, being that the dinosaurs and some of the plants were painted with actual gouache and then scanned into Photoshop for touch-ups. It felt sooooooo good to have a wet brush at my command again and I snapped a few pics of my process:

Here are a handful of the finished dinos (there are a LOT of stickers in this pack!)

And for shits n' giggles, some of the sketches for these guys:

Oooooh, I can't wait to dig into this one! Incidentally, if anyone out there wants to link up with me on the PSN, my user name is stephalopod.
Unrelated to Little Big, I found out a month ago that some designs I did for Hasbro's relaunch of Pound Puppies made it (sort of) to the opening sequence of the show. Though the final designs appear to have been changed for the sake of Flash optimization, I am happy to see that the Bernese Mountain dog puppy, who is based on my brother's dog, made the cut. Here are my designs:

And you can click here to watch the intro for yourself!
What else, what else? Oh! I may need someone to kick me in the pants to follow through, but I made a big step in my ongoing personal project about the house and the woods where I grew up. While I was back home in Massachusetts for the Holidays, I contacted the current owners of said house (the woods are long gone sadly) and they were kind enough to let me walk through the house and take reference photos. it was such a great experience and it led to days worth of doodles spilling into my sketchbook, but I don't feel that anything is ready to be scanned and posted. These are all just brain farts and mini ideas and I didn't worry about polish or storytelling or even perspective - I just wanted to keep my hand and mind moving. So as this takes shape, I will post more, but for now, here's one of my favorite pictures from the batch:

See you guys later :)