So a lot has happened over the summer. I'm starting a new job at a game company in Burlingame next week and I am very thrilled to say that I will be starting the character design course at Animation Collaborative in 2 weeks! What does that mean? I WILL BE DRAWING MORE AND GETTING BETTER AT IT FASTER. HELLS YES! For serious, I haven't had a character design class since college and I still have a lot to learn, so this is just perfect. It's a very small class size and it's taught by the amazing Chris Sasaki and Albert Lozano and I could not be more giddy about this :) I will be posting assignments on here as I do them.
That's about it on my end! I'm off to call it an early night, it's been an emotional few weeks with the job transition and the push to end all freelance in time for class. Vacations are for the weak.
...I kid. I would kill to have a week off right about now X_x