So, I totally forgot to mention that I was at Wonder Con this weekend, with a booth of my own. While I was supposed to share with Lauren Faust and her husband Craig, they both feel ill at the last minute and had to stay home to recover. ;__; They were definitely missed by myself and by all of the fans who stopped by to wish them well!
I mostly sold art books, signed prints and greeting cards at my booth; "Meeting Place", "Popke and Puddin'" and "The Princess" were quite popular! Proof that I'm not the only one who loves fuzzy animals and boobs. I saw some old faces and met many new ones, one of my favorites being my neighbor who was selling handmade corsets while wearing a leather kilt. You just can't beat that. Big thanks to everyone who came by to show their support!
These are a few Post-its that I drew up while at the Con. They didn't sell too well, which surprised me because I thought people wanted to buy originals. I might shellac these onto some pieces of wood for a better presentation.

Now to catch up on Etsy orders that I need to fill and pull my thoughts back together. Cons are draining, y'all! <3