I don't really understand why my internal organs seem to act out whenever I have the most things to do in a given week. While I was hoping that this morning's distress was caused by some kind of tainted pie, be it chicken pot pie or avocado pie, it seems that none of the other party-goers are sick today, so I guess it's just another battle lost to micro-organisms. Pass the Gatorade, please.
On a brighter note, I finished that Baby Appa feltie and passed him on last night to his new owner,
Bill! Bill took to him immediately and provided a warming pouch for the little guy. Appa, in turn, gave him hints about beating Okamiden on the DS.

Now, Bill is
Ikumi's husband and as you know, she was given the first Appa feltie I made. There have been some strong feelings expressed about the unfairness of there now being a 2 Appa household, (right
BILLIAM?! ;) so I will indeed be making another Appa feltie in good time. Actually, two Appas.
Vear asked for one too. But next up is a Momo for someone who has been very, very patient, then some goodies for an upcoming show in Chicago this December, and then a Flammie for
Brianne. With the exception of Flammie, all of my feltie requests have come from Avatar: The Last Airbender and I gotta say, I am getting tired of making white, grey and brown colored hybrid animals. Either I need to get new friends with more diverse tastes or the A:TLAB crew needs to get a new paint box for the upcoming series ;)
I'll check in again soon, thanks for looking guys!